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In the beggining there was fire. Motorfire to be exact. Five great warriors riding below the circles of hell, restoring peace to the underworlds with their mighty axes and motorbikes. 

But one day, the demon army of the underworld under the command of the evil king attacked theese brave men. Ten thousand to five, a battle impossible to win. In the end the army was defeated and only two riders of Motorfire barely survived the vicious battle. Theese two men decided to gather the ashes of the fallen and rule the underworld again. They recruited a young, but strong warrior by the name of George the goblin killer and an experienced wizard whom was betrayed by the king and decided to get revenge. Majestic Max was his mortal name. The real name is impossible to pronounce to a mortal man.


Together they formed a powerfull order which they had named Silent Pray. For their workings were secretive and clean, thus the name. And no, they were not illiterate, they made that spelling error on pourpuse, for it was easier for their minions to chant it. But all was not well. The evil king sent bounty hunters to retrieve his brave magician and so they did. Now the order of Silent Pray was missing a spellmaker. So they seeked through commander Pertinach’s students and a powerful aprentace, Jure the Blacksmith was promoted to the order.


So the dragon war was on the horizont, and the brave warriors of Pray needed another general to lead the legions of Silence into battle. They inducted a high mage by the name of July. With her leading the armies through fire and hell the Silent Pray order was unstoppable. They won countless battles and many wars. But after years at the helm, the high priestess was worn out and her magic powers were slowly drifting away due to a terrible disease.


This resulted in an inability to fulfill the completion of her duties, therefore she retired from the order. She disappeared to lands unknown. Legends say, she is still plotting her revenge on the Goblin Queen who had poisoned her to this day.


With the general gone, Pertinach was forced to lead the order once again. Now the mighty, magical, goblin killing warriors of the order Pray are planning an invasion of the underworld, taking it over one kingdom at a time and restoring peace to all the creautures once again.

Silent Pray
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